Friday, October 4, 2013

An excellent article I found on "the fake Alpha", written by a man himself. Respect.

"The guys who rail against emotional vulnerability are inevitably the same guys who go on to complain in the next breath about women flaking on them, getting cockblocked, or encountering resistance. All things that may as well cease to exist when you connect with a girl on that deeper emotional level.

A man who is unable or unwilling to 'go there', only sub-communicates insecurity. And being insecure isn’t very alpha… bro.

Which brings me to the Fake Alpha. The industry is rife with it, and I feel like even though it provides short-term improvements in guys’ results, it plants seeds of really fucked up beliefs about women.

When a guy has spent his entire life being needy (or 'beta'), magically transforming himself into an 'alpha' is much easier said than done. One must develop genuine confidence, self-respect, a healthy sense of boundaries among other things. It’s often a painful long-term process that entails quite a bit of introspection, questioning, doubt, anger, frustration, personal development, lifestyle changes, and so on.

But there’s a shortcut. And that’s to objectify women. When a woman becomes merely another conquest, a number, something to treat like a trophy or a toy, it suddenly becomes extremely easy to assert yourself around them, to prioritize your own values and beliefs over theirs, to risk rejection around them, and dominate any perspectives they may have — all attractive 'alpha' traits, merely expressed in horrible ways."

Read the entire article here:

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